Original Konjac Noodles

Hethstia Original Konjac Noodles range includes Angel Hair, Spaghetti, Fettuccine,
Keto Konjac Rice, Konjac silk knot, Lasagna, and Konjac Pearl.
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Original Konjac Noodles

Miso Konjac Angel Hair

Hethstia performed complete konjac noodles shirataki services.


We have more than 30 years of experience in producing konjac food products.


Our shirataki noodles have received multiple certifications, including IFS, BRC, KOSHER, HALAL, NOP, JAS, EC, and HACCP, ensuring that you receive the highest quality product possible.


We have sufficient supply capacity to produce 3,000 20-foot containers per year.


Low minimum order quantity.

Shirataki Noodles Wholesale

Shirataki Angel Hair

Original Shirataki Angel Hair contains low calories per serving, making it the perfect choice for anyone on a low-calorie diet.

Shirataki Noodles Wholesale

Konjac Spaghetti

It contains only 6 calories per serving, making it the perfect choice for anyone on a low-calorie diet.

Original Konjac Fettuccine

Konjac Fettuccine

The Original Konjac Fettuccine is a rich source of dietary fiber, which helps aid digestion and promote weight loss.

Keto Konjac Rice

Shirataki Rice

Original Shirataki rice is a better alternative to traditional rice pasta, providing great flavor without compromising your appetite.

how to make noodles with konjac powder

Shirataki noodles processing flow chart

1. Konjac flour & Batching preparation
2. Swelling Refining
3. Extrusion molding
4. Thermoforming
5. Rinsing & Preparation of Calcium hydroxide emulsion
6. Pasteurization
7. Cooling and air-drying
Konjac Knot

Konjac silk knot

The Konjac Knot (Konjac silk knot) is a better pasta alternative that delivers great taste without eliminating your appetite. Bid farewell to dull diets and welcome tasty, fulfilling dishes.
Konjac Lasagna

Konjac Lasagna

The Konjac Lasagna is a rich source of dietary fiber, which helps aid digestion and promote weight loss. It lets you enjoy a fulfilling meal without feeling weighed down or sluggish.
Konjac Pearl KETO

Konjac Pearl

Japanese and Taiwanese white pearl konjac pearls are used for making konjac jelly bubble tea, offering an instant, low-calorie, and healthy meal option. 

Original Konjac Noodles Nutrition Fact SGS Chemical Test Report

Sample In Bag Test Result(s) :
Test ltem(s) Unit Test Method(s) Test Result(s)
Total fat g/100 g AOAC 996.06-2008 ND 0.01
Saturated fat g/100 g AOAC 996.06-2008 ND 0.01
Trans fat g/100 g AOAC 996.06-2008 ND 0.01
Cholesterol mg/100 g AOAC 994.10 ND 1
Dietary Fiber g/100 g AOAC 991.43 0.5
*lron(Fe) mg/100 g AOAC 984.27 ND 0.10
*Potassium(K) mg/100 g AOAC 984.27 0.27 0.10
*Calcium(Ca) mg/100 g AOAC 984.27 5.87 0.10
*Sodium(Na) mg/100 g AOAC 984.27 0.29 0.10
Protein % AOAC 2001.11 <0.1
Fructose g/100 g AOAC 982.14 ND 0.4
Glucose g/100 g AOAC 982.14 ND 0.4
Sucrose g/100 g AOAC 982.14 ND 0.4
Maltose g/100 g AOAC 982.14 ND 0.4
Lactose g/100 g AOAC 982.14 ND 0.4
Total (Fructose+ Glucose+ Sucrose+ altose+ Lactose) g/100 g AOAC 982.14 ND
*Ergocalciferol ug/100 g BS EN 12821:2009 ND 2
*Cholecalciferol ug/100 g BS EN 12821:2009 ND 2
*Moisture % AOAC 930.04 98.1
*Ash g/100 g AOAC 930.05 0.11
Calculation Result(s):
Calculate item(s)Unit(s)Calculate metdod(s)Calculate result(s)
*CalorieskJ/100 gREGULATION (EU) No 11691201126
*CaloriesKcal/100 gREGULATION (EU) No 1169120116
*Carbohydrateg/100 gREGULATION (EU) No 1169120111.3


1.ND = Not Detected

2.LOQ = Limit of Quantitation

3.Conversion factor of nitrogen to protein is 6.25

4.* Test item(s) was/were not included in the CNAS Accredited Schedule for our laboratory.

5.Total fat=Saturated fat+Mono-unsaturated fat+Multi-unsaturated fat+Trans fat

SGS Authorized signature

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Hethstia is a healthy food brand that offers options for people who want to eat healthily every day.


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