Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta 49.38 OZ/1.4KG, Konjac Angel Hair

The Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta contains low calories per serving, making it the perfect choice for anyone on a low-calorie diet. Additionally, it greatly impacts your weight loss journey, thanks to its rich fiber content.

Serving Size1400g
Energy6 kcal Per Serving
Protein0.8g  Per Serving
Total Fat0
Total Carbohydrate1g Per Serving
Dietary Fiber0.21g Per Serving

Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta Descriptions

Embark on a culinary journey with Hethstia’s Original Konjac Angel Hair Pasta – the perfect blend of health and authentic Chinese flavours. This unique konjac pasta turns your mealtimes into an international flavour journey.

Our noodles are made from the konjac plant, which is rich in glucomannan fiber, known for promoting weight loss, stabilizing blood sugar levels, and lowering cholesterol.

At Hethstia, we’re committed to making healthy eating exciting. That’s why our Konjac Noodles are infused with the classic flavors of traditional Chinese cuisine.

Despite its rich flavor, our product has remarkably fewer calories and carbs than traditional pasta. Plus, it’s gluten-free and vegan-friendly, suiting a wide range of dietary needs.

Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta

Our Konjac angel hair noodles are quick and easy to prepare. Simply boil for two minutes or rinse under warm water, and our Original Konjac Angel Hair is ready to star in your favorite recipes.

Try Hethstia’s Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta for more than just a healthier pasta alternative, it’s an invitation to an authentic Chinese food experience. Savor Hethstia’s Original Konjac Angel Hair Pasta, savor the secret seasoning packet, and enjoy the taste of traditional pasta with the health benefits of konjac.

Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta, Konjac Angel Hair Noodles
Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta, Konjac Angel Hair Noodles

Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta Nutrition Fact SGS Test Report​

Sample In Bag Test Result(s) :
Test ltem(s) Unit(s) Test Method(s) Test Result(s) Method Detection Limit(s)
Protein g/100g GB 5009.5-2010 1 <0.1 /
Total fat g/100g GB/T 5009.6-2003 11 <0.1 /
Moisture g/100g GB 5009.3-2010 11 95.6 /
Ash g/100g GB 5009.4-2010 0.10 /
Dietary Fibre g/100g AOAC 991.43 2.8 /
Saturated fat g/100g GBIT 22223-2008 Not detected 0.01
Saturated fat g/100g GBIT 22223-2008 Not detected 0.01
Sugars (as glucose) g/100g Refer to GB/T 5009.8-2008 11 <0.25 /
Sodium g/100g GB/T 5009.91-2003 <19.02 0.10
Calculation Result(s):
Calculate item(s)Unit(s)Calculate me tdod(s)Calculate result(s)
Carbohydrateg/100gREGULATION (EU) NO1169/2011 OF tdE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF tdE COUNCIL Of 25 October 20111.2


1. Conversion factor of nitrogen to protein is 6.25.

2. Total fat = Saturated fat + Mono-unsaturated fat + Multi-unsaturated fat + Trans fat.

SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services
Konjac Angel Hair

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