Konjac Rice Recipes of Konjac Fried Rice

Konjac Rice Recipes of Konjac Fried Rice

Konjac Rice Recipes

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Konjac rice is a low-calorie, high-fiber alternative to staple foods, made from konjac without any added starch. Konjac rice has a texture similar to rice, but is lower in calories and carbohydrates, making it an ideal ingredient during weight loss. 

Here are some common konjac rice recipes.

Konjac Rice Recipes 1: Konjac Rice Fried Rice

Ingredients: wet konjac rice, egg, corn, crabstick, crushed rice sprouts, scallions, salt, and white pepper.

Wet Konjac Rice
Wet Konjac Rice
Konjac Rice Recipes
Konjac Rice Fried Rice

Konjac Rice Recipes 2: Low Fat Konjac Rice Fried Rice

Ingredients: wet konjac rice, cucumber, egg, luncheon meat, green onion, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, salt.

Low Fat Konjac Rice Fried Rice
Low Fat Konjac Rice Fried Rice

Konjac Rice Recipes 3: Tomato Green Pepper Konjac Rice Fried Rice

Ingredients: dry konjac rice, eggs, green peppers, tomatoes, sliced garlic, small onions, chili sauce.

dry konjac rice
dry konjac rice

Konjac Rice Recipes 4: Shirataki Rice Vegetable Salad

Ingredients: dry shirataki rice, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, carrots, arugula, cilantro, garlic paste, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper.

dry shirataki rice
dry shirataki rice

Konjac Rice Recipes 5: Beef Konjac Rice Fried Rice

Ingredients: shirataki rice, beef, green peppers, red peppers, onions, sliced garlic, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt and pepper.

Beef Konjac Rice Fried Rice
Beef Konjac Rice Fried Rice

Konjac Rice Recipes 6: Shirataki Rice Korean Bibimbap

Ingredients: shirataki rice, carrots, cucumbers, spinach, corn kernels, eggs, sesame oil, soy sauce, white vinegar, white sesame seeds, Sprite, and Korean hot sauce.

Shirataki Rice Korean Bibimbap
Shirataki Rice Korean Bibimbap

Warm Tips:

Although konjac is good, three kinds of people must not eat.

1, People with skin diseases can not eat. Although konjac has the effect of preventing cancer, in the view of Chinese medicine konjac is a kind of food to prevent cancer, people with skin diseases eat konjac on the body will appear red rashes, and easily trigger itching skin, so people with skin diseases must not eat konjac.

2, The body cold people can not eat.

Konjac itself is a kind of cold food if the body dampness is more people eat konjac, not only aggravates the body’s cold but even cause the symptoms of uterine cold, so women in the menstrual period should not eat konjac, will cause menstrual cramps.

3, Pregnant women can not eat.

Although konjac has good nutritional value, pregnant women are not suitable to eat konjac. In this stage of pregnancy, pregnant women need to eat warm ingredients to promote fetal growth, and konjac is cold food, so eating konjac for pregnant women is not good.

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